Saturday, March 29, 2008

Garden update!

We've been eating spinach and radishes and the snow peas just now are ripe enough to munch on. Planted some summer stuff... watermelon, cucumbers, zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, and corn.

Broccoli and cauliflower are about midway to harvest. Bloomed last week and I'm starting to see broccoli-looking stuff starting to develop.

We've all heard the phrase "like two peas in a pod". I always thought it meant two identical little green peas sitting next to each other inside the pod. Now I'm wondering if the saying hasn't been changed somehow over the years and really started as "like two pea pods on the stalk" or something. Turns out peas bloom in twos and produce in twos! Every stalk has two identical blooms, and eventually two pea pods to harvest. Really cool!

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