Monday, March 28, 2005

If my brother can do it, so can I

I never thought I'd have my own blog but my brother has one so I figured I'd try it. Can't imagine anyone would be interested in reading anything I write, but maybe that's not the purpose of a blog anyway.

It's just that, now that I'm nearing fifty, I'm feeling the urge to settle into a rut with the amount of technology I'm comfortable with. I've always thought of myself as somewhat savvy with the new "stuff" that enters the consumer marketplace and it usually doesn't take much to get me to try something new... some new gadget, some cool thing. Maybe it's not an age thing as much as it is an energy thing now, but I feel I'm becoming too selective and somewhat resistive to new stuff. And there's a danger there that I don't want to let take over.

I see too many people -- old and young alike -- who aren't willing to learn new technology and who desperately try to convince themselves that it isn't necessary. That they can live their life just fine without it. Maybe they can. But I think they're severely limiting themselves and their potential. Not only that, but they're risking shutting a door that may stay permanently shut to them. Heck, I have a cousin who has never used an ATM machine!! Now that's scary!

So this entry into the blog world is my own way of breaking the very thin ice beginning to form on that comfort level. The world and technology is moving so fast that I've got to make an effort now to keep up. It's not just "that stuff the kids are using now". It's available to us middle-aged and older folks, too. We just have to take hold and not ignore it. It will leave us behind if we're not careful.
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